Deaden your senses with alcohol. This is cheap, easy and fun. I recommend Miller High Life (the Champagne of Beers), the standard Budweiser, or go classic with a Pabst Blue Ribbon (if you find a can on the west coast, CALL me!)

Take a nap by the pool. A pool also acts as a natural cooler for said beverage, above.

Take a nap IN the pool. Beware: If you're too narcoleptic, this can lead to drowning.

Shoot at things in the wild. Now don't get all tree hugger on me. I'm not talking about cute rabbits or campers. Just pick off a road sign or fence post. I personally believe a well-placed round of buckshot on a billboard is a bit of an art form. I once took out the tooth of a spokesmodel for Listerine.

Visit your favorite bar. Pool table is good. Jukebox even better. And all accompanied by said beverage, above.

Meditate. Once you get yourself centered, it's like a good bowel movement.

Take a drive. I find that the faster I go, the better I feel.

Put on a good rerun of your favorite show.

That's how I roll,