(I keep this blog at the top to orientate newcomers. Current blog starts right after.)

Heads up, jackass. You have been swimming the internet cesspool only to wash ashore on the golden beaches of my blog. The name is T.J. Dallas, that stands for Thomas Jefferson and he’s on the friggin’ nickel. My day job is roaming the great 48 states as a certified bounty hunter. That's right. I tag 'em and bag 'em. Now, with the help of my cousin Darrin, I've got a computer on loan and a means to "blog out." So buckle up. I'll be posting my exploits and pearls of wisdom right here.
But you may ask, "who is this force of nature, this handlebar moustachioed crusader who is Dallas?" While I'm not one to toot my own horn, perhaps my press can do it for me. This is a clipping from the El Paso Community Gazette when they featured me in their "Know Your Neighbor" section:

I must note that the above was embellished a bit due to an over-zealous journalist who needed to sell some papers.
But the rest is from the horse's mouth. So stay tuned to this blog and yours truly. And if you get on my shit list, watch your back. 'Cause I got two speeds: "Quick" and "What the hell was that?"
That's how I roll,